
Center for Talented Youth (CTY): Johns Hopkins University
Vaunted and highly selective CTY program at JHU seeks to identify and nurture the intellectual gifts of the nation’s brightest young people (grades 2-8). FaceBook group for parents here.

National Association for Gifted Children
Special needs of the gifted often go unmet. NAGC envisions a world in which “giftedness and high potential are fully recognized, universally valued, and actively nurtured …"

National Society for the Gifted and Talented
NSGT seeks to “advance the development of gifted, talented, and high potential youth … through opportunities, advocacy, and exemplary programs and practices.”

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted
SENG aims to provide emotional support to gifted/talented children and their families and create strong, caring communities for all concerned.

Council For Exceptional Children
CED is a professional association of educators dedicated to advancing outcomes for children with exceptionalities (giftedness and LD).

American Mensa: Gifted Youth
Mensa is the well-known high IQ society dedicated to researching and advancing human intelligence and providing stimulating intellectual and social environments for members.

Intellectual Giftedness
Excellent introductory piece in Wikipedia outlines the topic of giftedness in some detail. Another discussion of the traits and characteristics of the gifted is found here.

Is Your Child Gifted?
Psychology Today article explores how to recognize giftedness in children and why it's important to do so.

The Neglected Gifted Child
Sobering article exploring how, why, and to what extent our society is losing out due to neglect of children at the upper end of the intellectual spectrum.

Twice Exceptional
Some children are both exceptionally intelligent and learning disabled. Twice exceptional or "2e" students have special challenges and need special support.


5 Types of Learning Difficulties
Overview of the main varieties of learning challenges. The following are briefly explained: dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADD/ADHD, dyspraxia, and dysgraphia.
The world’s leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD for professionals, parents, students, and others.

Excellent site for those first researching learning and attention issues. Parent Toolkit, personalized recommendations, community and events. Loads of solid info.

Awareness and advocacy group supporting teachers and others in building and expanding knowledge about how students learn.

Association of Educational Therapists
AET is the national professional association for educational therapists. Excellent information on educational therapy and LD, how to find the right therapist, etc.

Hunter-Farmer Hypothesis
Could ADHD be a positive evolutionary adaptation rather than a neurological disorder? An important gift, rather than a curse? There is good reason to think so.

Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars on Earth)
Arresting 2007 film routs ignorance, shatters calcified attitudes, and powerfully reveals the enigma and experience of dyslexia so the rest of us can understand.