Early Math

Math is Everywhere – and It's Fun!
Counting odd/even, measuring and counting when cooking, +/– number quizzes in the car, simple logic puzzles and problem solving ... it's all about FUN when kids are young.

Math Makes Sense with Manipulatives
Best way to learn basic math facts and acquire "number sense" is to use physical (or virtual) math manipulatives, objects designed to make key concepts viscerally real.

Children's Books for Teaching Math
Elyse Rycroft at proudtobeprimary.com has compiled a list of books to use in introducing children to mathematics.

Math Exploration Station
The best place for early learning is in the home, and the best way is when the mind is opened through play.

Mad Minute
Mathematical study requires memorization of basic facts of arithmetic: +, –, x, ÷. A regular 10 minutes a day minutes a day maximizes fluency and speed. Printable versions here.

Math Worksheets and Drills
Given the de-emphasis of memorization in modern early math classes, It's likely parents will need to supply the worksheet/drill component that enables mastery of basic math facts.

Khan Academy
Best online resource for independent study & home learning. Get a jump on difficult upcoming courses by completing free Khan equivalents during the previous summer.

Math Learning Methodologies
A wide range of private after-school programs have opened their doors to students looking to develop and deepen mathematical skills and conceptual understanding.

Family Math
Classic book gives parents plenty of ideas for interesting, experiential, curriculum-based math activities and lessons at home.

Daily Math Time
Along with daily reading and writing/drawing time, parents of young children should spend some structured time each day with each child on fun math-related activities.

Early Data Visualization
On easel-sized graph paper or ordinary printable stock, kids create/update graphs to track goals, weather, or other statistics and witness the power of data visualization first hand.

Early Puzzles, Problem Solving, Math Games
Fun family activities expose children to logical problem solving and exercise mathematical thinking muscles without figuring sums or solving equations.

Printable Graph Paper
Kids use specialized graph paper to color fun designs, make doodles, or draw tessellations or other creations. Also handy for learning about proportion, perspective, and graphing.

Math Fact Apps, Cards, Calculation Training Sites
Total memorization of basic math facts is essential for the successful study of mathematics. Modern tech and teaching methods make it easy. Don't forget low-tech flash cards!

Early Math Toys, Aids, and Activities
Ways to enjoy and explore early math with your child are innumerable. This post lists resources that make teaching and learning math both fun and effective.

Early Programming

An excellent way to learn and practice basic algorithmic thinking skills essential in programming. Designed at MIT especially for kids! More info here.

Block Coding in Scratch
"Block Coding" is a great way to learn programming basics and have fun without writing a single line of code. Simple enough for bright 5-6 year olds (with help).

DK Scratch Coding Series
Highly-acclaimed visually-oriented series of project-based books teaches new coders to write games and perform block coding magic with Scratch.

Help Your Kids with Computer Coding
A straightforward, visual guide to understanding the basics of computer coding. Project-based programs and games in Scratch and Python.

Early Science

Family Science
The home as lab! When children are young, it's easy to hook their natural curiosity to the wonders of scientific discovery and study.

Guidebooks: Science Experiments and Projects
Highly rated guidebooks assist parents in conducting fun experiments/projects, teaching the scientific method, and exploring science at home with their children.

Best Science Books for Kids
Science Friday's short list of books guaranteed to make kids love science. Geekwrapped's top 100 here. Amazon's best here. SmithsonianMag's ideas here.

Chemistry Set
What adult scientist didn't have a chemistry set as a kid? Supervision and responsible use are crucial. Chemicals and glassware can be upgraded as skills progress.

Rockets and Other Flying Things
All kids know that planes and rockets are fun. They're also great ways for enterprising parents to inculcate in their offspring the joys of math and physics.

Make Your Own Cell Phone Microscope
For a few dollars in parts you can make a very capable digital microscope using any modern phone. See another how-to video courtesy of Make Magazine here.

Snap Circuits Electronics Discovery Kit
Award-winning upgradable electronics projects kit. Build 300+ projects, including: lie detector, laser, AM radio, light organ, touch lamp. Junior kit here.

Makey Makey Invention Kit
Everyday things become computerized inventions. Turn bananas, foil pads, written scribbles, and water pans into keyboards and touchpad triggering devices. More here.

Molecular Modeling
Model chemical compounds to visualize molecules and aid in studying general or organic chemistry. Other kits here, here, and here.

Who doesn't love robots? Thanks to simple robotics platforms like Lego Mindstorms EVX, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino, anyone can design and build robotic machines.

Weather Station
A home weather station is a great way to learn about the importance of precise scientific observation, measurement, and data tracking.

The Miracle of Human Anatomy
No machine rivals the complexity and beauty of the human body. Anatomical models and specialized texts reveal the miracles lying under our own skins.

Help Your Kids with Science
Excellent introduction to the wonders of science for kids and parent-teachers alike. Graphic style helps communicate thorny ideas. Great for home study.


Science Tools and Manipulatives
Manipulatives enable hands-on learning of key concepts. Scientific instruments like microscopes and telescopes extend the senses and enable precise data collection.